Here on Just The Riffs you'll find a collection of free, professional quality, interactive Bass Tabs spanning a variety of Artists, Genres and Styles. In the near future I'll be adding in some essays on Theory and Deep Dives into specific Riffs looking at how and why they work.
For more information about me and how you can help support this site and the work, visit the About page or the Donations page.
I hope you'll enjoy using this site and it's resources.
Get searching through the Genres and the Artists to find something you might like. New material will be added as often as possible, real life permitting, so make sure to check back regularly.
Just The Riffs is not charging you for these transcriptions. If you're feeling generous, you're getting value out of them and would like to help keep the lights on you can make a donation of any amount you choose by clicking the button below.
You can also read more about the Donations on the Donations page. 👍🏽