
For the removal of all doubt, in all works examined and learning resourced created and made available herein, the copyright in the work REMAINS ENTIRELY WITH THE RIGHTS HOLDER AND THE ARTIST.

In my Riff Analyses I am simply trying to examine and teach these Riffs to other musicians and I claim neither rights nor ownership of any works presented on this site.

I intend no offense or infringement of anyone’s rights and should an Artist (or their representative) become aware of my analysis of their work and the learning resources that accomany it and decide that they want it taken down then I will comply.

The Tabs I make available are learning resources and nothing more.

My own work

All that being said, the Tabs presented as being JTR Tabs are my own work. They are as accurate to the record as possible given the often limited access to clean, isolated audio and the “interesting”, artistic choice mixes that are available commercially.

For more information on my committment to accuracy, see this page.

Educational Purposes

Steps have been taken to make the Tabs I create and share on this site as secure as possible by watermarking (JUST THE RIFFS TEACHING MATERIALS) and saving them as flattened images to prevent the removal of the added watermark.

While this doesn’t stop anyone from downloading them it certainly makes them less attractive to anyone wishing to collate and distribute them themselves as their "own work" or trying to pass them off as "official" and selling them.

I will never make bound, printed books of Tabs available without a license; any full bound and printed transcriptions that are pieced together by others using my Tabs will clearly have the JTR Watermark (JUST THE RIFFS TEACHING MATERIALS) in them and that will show, pursuant to this committment, that I had nothing to do with creating and distributing said full, bound, free or sold transcription.

I am a musician and a music lover; I create these analyses, lessons and Tabs from a place of nerdiness and deep affection for the source material as well as love and respect for the Artists who created them.

In the long run I do want to create licensed, downloadable and print on demand bound books of these Tabs for people to buy as a way for me to give back to my favourite artists and provide musicians with the best quality materials to learn from.

I WILL NOT do this without legal permission.

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Here are the latest Artists added to the collection; happy jamming!

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Copyright © JustTheRiffs, 2025