Iron Maiden Piece of Mind Album Cover Art
Iron Maiden Powerslave Album Cover Art

New Iron Maiden Tabs In The Resource Library

Where Eagles Dare

So, recently Nicko McBrain retired from touring with Iron Maiden. To honour the great man's contribution and to celebrate his grand opening with the band I tabbed out the bass for Where Eagles Dare off the Piece of Mind album.

The song, and the album, starts with Nicko laying down a marker for the next 42 years of drumming. An explosive 12/8 drum intro gave the world their first taste of what was to come.

What follows in the song is a really great triplet workout for the bass players out there as Harry goes all in!

Grab your copy of the Bass Tab for Where Eagles Dare and enjoy.

Aces High

Aces High is a blisteringly quick live favourite. It's intro of plane sounds, gunfire and Churchill make it a superb choice as a show opener and that's what it is most known for.

Opening the Powerslave album and the Live After Death album (for my money, the greatest live Metal album ever!) it's really good workout for your 16th note chops.

Not only that, in my tab you'll see some parts that are different to the widely accepted transcriptions. They're not mistakes: I listen VERY carefully and watch as much live footage as I can to make sure I'm as right as possible and Steve is really doing something different in the Pre-Choruses...

Anyhoo... Grab you're copy of Aces High and my other Iron Maiden Basds Tabs and get working on your stamina!

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